Rubrika: Vzdělávání

415360663_899348894933958_3396762341420891978_n (1)

Příběhy našich studentů – Dominik

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Douceni_270 kopie2

Jak začít měnit vzdělávací systém? Mám řešení!

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

032-FB-uloha z matematiky

Slovní úloha i s řešením (pro žáky pátých tříd)

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Alternativní vzdělávání

Jak na analýzu žáků základních škol?

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Výuka jazyků

Bojíte se mluvit anglicky? Dáme vám tipy, jak to zvládnout.

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Rozmluvíme Česko

Tváří hry ROZMLUVÍME ČESKO je Broňa Sobotka

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Chyba, chyba a zase chyba

Chyba, chyba a zase chyba

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…

Mělo by mít každé dítě svého vzdělávacího partnera

Mělo by mít každé dítě svého vzdělávacího partnera?

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…


Přijímáme nové lektory. Přidáte se k nám?

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…


Kdy je ideální začít s přípravami na přijímací zkoušky?

Or, would you prefer a straightforward response that covers key points and makes sense of abstract concepts? Though clarity is key, Google also places a high value on being thorough. This means marketers need to be careful…